Our Vision
Our Vision
Our Vision
a nation where the right to health is recognized and respected, health risks are minimized, health policies are implemented and health disparities reduced by empowered, enabled and enlightened Filipinos.
Our Mission
Our Mission
Our Mission
HealthJustice aims to bridge the gap between health and law to empower Filipinos to make healthy choices
HealthJustice Philippines aims to bridge the gap between health and law through building knowledge and competencies among key stakeholders to achieve policy changes that will promote the health of Filipinos.

Our Team
Our Team
Our Team

Dr. Daniel S. Tan

Dr. Daniel S. Tan
Dr. Tan is a pulmonologist at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in Manila. A Fellow and Diplomate of the Philippine College of Physicians and of the Philippine
College of Chest Physicians. He is a Professor of Medicine at the University of the East College
of Medicine and treats patients at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Manila.

Ms. Mary Ann F. Mendoza

Ms. Mary Ann F. Mendoza
Ms. Mendoza is a former Commissioner, Assistant Commissioner, of Civil Service Commission
who has 40 years of experience in various technical, leading and managing roles.
She served as the Chair of the Sub-Committee on Effective Governance which developed
and completed the Chapter on Good Governance of the Medium Term Philippine
Development Plan of the Philippine Government.

Atty. Alexander Padilla
Board Member

Atty. Alexander Padilla
Board Member
Atty. Padilla graduated Cum Laude from De La Salle University with Bachelor of Arts in History major in Political Science and minor in Philosophy.
He is the former President of PhilHealth and also served in different capacities such as Undersecretary at the Department of Health, Senior State Prosecutor at the Department of Justice, Special Prosecutor at the Office of the Ombudsman, Assistant Secretary at the Department of Interior and Local Government, Commissioner at the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board, Commissioner of the Bureau of Customs.

Dr. Jaime Galvez Tan
Board Member

Dr. Jaime Galvez Tan
Board Member
Dr. Galvez Tan has worked with NGOs, international development agencies, the academe, and government
agencies. He is a Professor of the University of the Philippines College of Medicine;
and the President of Health Futures Foundation, Inc. He was Vice Chancellor for Research of the
University of the Philippines Manila and Executive Director of the National Institutes of Health
Philippines from 2002 to 2005. He served as Regional Adviser in Health and Nutrition for East
Asia and the Pacific Region of UNICEF in Bangkok in 1996. He served the Philippine Department
of Health as Secretary in 1995 and as Undersecretary and Chief of Staff from 1992-94.

Ms. Alcestis Abrera Mangahas
Board Member

Ms. Alcestis Abrera Mangahas
Board Member
Ms. Abrera Mangahas is the Deputy Regional Director of ILO’s Regional Office for
Asia and the Pacific from 2011-2015 responsible for migration and trafficking-related
programmes in Asia and the Pacific. She was the Deputy Administrator of the
Philippine Overseas Employment Administration, Department of Labor and Employment of the
Government of the Philippines. Her contribution has awarded her as the 100 Influential
Women, Policy makers and visionaries 2014 provided by Filipina Women’s Network